Why High-Level Entrepreneurs Resist Talking to Potential Buyers?

Why High-Level Entrepreneurs Resist Talking to Potential Buyers?

I have been contemplating why business owners especially over the 7-figure range feel certain resistance around actually TALKING and CONNECTING with their potential buyers.

In fact, much of my behind-the-scenes work in August was to encourage them to reconnect with their potential buyers. 

It's beneficial from a business perspective:

Those who took and implemented my advice created some insane sales in their businesses.

It's also beneficial from a content creation perspective, having those human interactions is where you can source top-notch content ideas.

In fact, the people who are so far removed from their own clients, create irrelevant echo chambers wtf did I just watch type of content.

So talking to your potential clients is:

The simplest business advice ever yet so effective. 

But my contemplation came from determining why there is resistance in the first place.

So let's examine the why:

1. Fear of Losing Authority (False Assumption)

Talking to your potential buyers or even taking the initiative to create conversations around working together is somehow considered as you "lowering" yourself.

If you lower yourself you will no longer be an authority!

If you are no longer an authority people won't buy from you.

You will be sad and broke : (

Many business owners equate personal interaction with vulnerability. They might believe that by directly reaching out, they’re diminishing their aura of expertise or success. This is particularly true in personal brand businesses where the "brand" is built on perceived authority. 

Truth is:

Real authority doesn’t come from distance or inaccessibility. It comes from having meaningful, value-driven conversations that show you genuinely care. Leaders who are approachable and listen to their customers often appear more authoritative because they are more connected to the needs of their market.

2. Fear of Appearing Needy

This means that by reaching out to people you come off as needy.

When you look needy you devalue your programs or services aka people will value you less.

The concern is that initiating contact will make the business owner seem desperate for sales, which is seen as the opposite of being in high demand. The paradox is that while being "needy" can repel, being attentive and engaged can attract even more business.

Truth is:

It's possible to engage with potential clients from a place of abundance rather than neediness. It’s about framing conversations around service, curiosity, and connection, rather than making it solely transactional.

3. Fear of Rejection

- Someone blocks you, gets mad at you

- Your email gets ignored

- Someone unsubscribes or says no to you

Which is super easy to do especially on the internet!

Those are some scary stuffs that alone make you not want to deal with them.

This is perhaps the most powerful and primal fear. Rejection, in any form—whether it's a blocked message, an unsubscribed email, or a flat-out "no"—can feel personal and like a direct hit to one's self-worth. The internet makes it easy for these rejections to happen with very little friction, which adds to the fear.

Truth is:

Rejection is a natural part of business, but it’s important to separate the "no" from your personal identity. The rejection is often situational, circumstantial, perceptional, or about timing—not a reflection of your value as a business owner.

But what if there is a way, to make your communications more rejection-proof.

So let's explore some great examples for that:

Rejection proof communication 101 incoming:

Step 1: Come from an energy of ease and play!

If you dread talking to new people try opening yourself up to people you know first, this way you are opening your communication channels with some old connections, and collaborations before you get to the "scary part."

This will already get your wheels going with minimal chance of rejection.

Now that's done you are ready to move to step 2.

Step 2 Talk to past clients of yours!

Go from an actual client to a masterclass attendee, to a freebie email contact.

This is also an 80% rejection-proof method especially if you start from the highest-spending old clients of yours first.

The past client has a much higher chance to buy again or buy something else that would also benefit them.

Can you offer something that complements what they have already gotten?

Do they need help with implementing?

Are they ready to take things to the next level?

Are there any great upgrades or even downgrades you can offer?

Most of you will already start making sales at this point.

But the key is, to come with curiosity instead of certainty!

I learned this from Phil M Jones btw! All credit to Phil!

So instead of saying, hey I have something cool for you come buy from me, you can approach with curiosity and ask how are things going for them?

When you establish there could be something you have that would help them further start with the following line:

"I'm not sure if this is for you but..."

"Would you be open-minded to learn more?"

Then get them to book a call!

Step 3. There is no step 3, if you did steps 1 and 2 you are all set and cash flow is flowing.

Congrats, keep doing what you are doing!

While it’s easier to delegate or not talk to your potential buyers at all, your energy is unmatched! 

You got this good luck!

Dominika Legrand